How born son in 2016 ?
According to a Russian scientist Evgeny Vinogradov study throughout one long time and concluded : " If you know the correct method of options bear a son , you can apply to your exact calculations can be born a boy Sons at the right 2016 , in addition to taking care of rest diet will make healthy fetal brain development and the best " . You desire to have a son in 2016 ? you want boys genius in 2016 ? After the latest research on how boys born in 2016 , synthesized and compiled the article on how his son was born in 2016 achieved the highest efficiency
How born son in 2016
Actually born son is not difficult, but difficulty with many couples, whether they have tried repeatedly but unsuccessfully, tried to lay the family had a "guy stuff" that connects to the 4th track which remains one daughter. Today that is no longer the key whether men like it used to, but the concept lay male descendant still exists in the minds of all Americans.
Why do you not have a son?
How born son in 2016
Actually born son is not difficult, but difficulty with many couples, whether they have tried repeatedly but unsuccessfully, tried to lay the family had a "guy stuff" that connects to the 4th track which remains one daughter. Today that is no longer the key whether men like it used to, but the concept lay male descendant still exists in the minds of all Americans.
Why do you not have a son?
- A boy is formed by the combination of the male Y sperm and eggs, zygotes created and developed, but there are many factors affecting it preclude combining
- Y sperm healthy but easy to be destroyed in an acid environment opposite prefer acid X sperm alive and well in this environment, so if your vaginal environment acidic rich woman will cause you not can a son.
- Vaginal mucus are also factors affecting the birth of a son.
- There are also many other factors such as physical affects every person, sexual positions, time relations, stimulation during intercourse ... it is also a factor affecting your baby boy or girl.
After studying the causes we will know how to manage, calculation methods applied accordingly to help your son could be born at the right time that you desire. If those who want boys in the year 2016, then quickly apply the following methods to achieve the most effective offline. Content includes 8 content method:
- Guide how to quickly check the ability of themselves and their partner, the factors "fluid" in the body can affect the look student son or not? Identification to the woman and the man born son or daughter enjoy.
- Natural influences to produce a son.
- Food assistance helps increase the number of Y sperm, increasing the possibility for man to bear a son.
- Food assistance helps regulate the vaginal environment and increase women's vaginal lubricant services. (Translation vaginal lubricants also plays an important role in helping to bring both "top" and affect the baby left).
- Effective time of intercourse: instructions on how to calculate the date of intercourse to bring the highest efficiency in the birth of a son.
- Sexual positions, stimulating guide to help you more easily born son achieved the highest efficiency.
- The note, abstinence is important to help you bear a son.
- Tips for both the top easily create good conditions for the birth of a son.
How born son in 2016 ?
Reviewed by Lee Rika
March 05, 2016
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